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Moira van den Akker

Preparing Your School for the Year Ahead

The new year is upon us and we have a feeling it’s going to be a great one! At the beginning of each year, there is a lot to think about and plan for. It’s can be a fresh start and making the most of it will pay dividends in the future. From planning events to strategizing your business plan going forward, there are lots of ways you can prepare your school for the year ahead. Here are three things to think about, to help ensure your 2015 will be a success.

Review the Previous Year 

Think back on the previous year. Be critical but make sure you give yourself credit for the good things that you were responsible for. Look back at what worked and what didn’t. Being specific will help you a lot at this point. What events exceeded your goals and which fell a bit short? What were the differences between the good ones and the bad ones? Jot everything down, to help you uncover patterns or insights that will allow you to succeed the next time around.
Go Over Your Business Plan

When was the last time you reviewed your business plan? For many, the answer will either be “never…” or they can’t remember. Thinking about your business in detail – the numbers, the upsides, the downsides – will reveal insights that you may not have thought of before. Not only can you see where you’ve changed, you may even notice details that you should change for the future. If you’ve never created a business plan, this is your chance to sit down and hash one out. Trust us: it’s worth the time and effort.

Create a Calendar

Create a general plan using a calendar, to see the big picture with timing. Holidays, travel plans, summer vacation and school schedules are just some of the things to consider, while planning out your year. Mapping things out on a calendar can really help you decide when to start promotions, create events and maximum efficiency.  

What are some of the best things you’ve done to get your martial arts studio to the next level?

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January 6, 2015